I'm sitting at my computer, finishing up a bit of work. My wife is laying back on the bed with her Nintendo DS. After years of wondering whether it could possibly be done, I have finally managed to achieve the one feat which I am convinced is all that's required for someone like me to secure a beautiful, funny, talented wife:
I got her interested in video games.
Turning back to look at her, I see her completely absorbed in her game of Mario Kart, to the point of swinging the DS around in Stevie Wonder-like swoops to make her turns.
I grab her by the knees and say, "Honey, I can't believe I've turned you into a video game nerd!"
Very urgently, in the manner of someone shooing a child away from a sleeping cobra, she replies:
"Baby. Baby. Stop. You're gonna get me killed."
Yeah, not entirely sure how I didn't see that one coming.
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